NOA+ Call Connect
More calls answered + More Opportunities

The average store misses up to 50% of their calls helping other customers or maintaining their properties while more than 60% of callers will rent from the first store they speak with. If you're ready to get the most out of your opportunities, read on.

Our Features

Sales Driven Team

Our Sales Center focuses their resources on prospective callers and inquiries to get the sale without being pushy or too aggressive. With greater than 60% soft closing scores, we are making the most of our opportunities for you. With answering hours as early as 7am and as late as 11pm (Eastern time zone), more calls equals more opportunities.

Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance feature helps us maintain the highest level of customer service possible at our stores, which means happy customers building a positive reputation online and returning when they need you. In the event of an unhappy customer, our QA Cases keeps everyone on your team as well as the customer updated as key steps and resolutions are completed.

<6% Abandoned Rate

The biggest challenge for most stores is answering the call on time (if at all). Our Sales Center has a proven history of answering greater than 88% all of calls by the 3rd ring and having less than a 6% true abandoned rate. When compared to the competition, these are great results.

There's More

Chat and Offline inquiries

Our Sales Center will also monitor online chat sessions from our website plus messages and inquiries from Google, Facebook and our website.

All Calls are Monitored

All inbound and outbound calls are recorded for training purposes. If any call is in question, we are able to retrieve it and use it for coaching as needed (occasionally we may experience technical issues and unable to access select calls).

Automated IVR Payments

With PCI Compliance concerns, taking payments over the phones any more is more liability than most of want to take on. Our IVR Automated Phone Payment system allows for customers to make their payments over the phone 24/7 without tying up a manager.